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Jordan + 1 more

UNHCR Jordan Factsheet: Field Office - Azraq Camp (December 2015)



Food Security

 Refugees receive 20JOD (equivalent to $28) per person every month from WFP via an e-card which they can use to buy food from the Sameh Mall supermarket in the camp. WFP also distributes four pieces of bread daily to all refugees in the camp.


 There is one complex in the camp hosting Primary and Secondary schools which operates two shifts, one for girls in the morning and boys in the afternoon, with a capacity for 5,000 students. The new academic year started on 1st September 2015 and registration is ongoing. Currently, 2,600 children are enrolled at the school with an attendance of 1,700 students. Informal and non-formal education is also available to boys and girls aged between 6 and 18 years and also for adults. There is one kindergarten with a capacity for 400 children. Furthermore, there are 4 child-friendly spaces with playgrounds and 4 adolescent friendly spaces in the camp providing additional services.


 2 primary health care centers (PHC) operate in the camp, one comprehensive PHC in Village 6 and one basic PHC in Village 3. PHCs are open from 9am to 4pm daily. The field hospital that provides secondary level healthcare (medical surgical ad maternity care) is closed due to a management change and it will reopen in December. To cover the refugee needs, the clinic in V6 is currently running 24 hours per day. Health and nutrition services are provided through UNHCR partners, including mental and reproductive health. An average of 52 babies is delivered every month.

Water and Sanitation

 There is one new borehole in the camp that is fully operational with a capacity of 50m3/h which ensures good water quality and quantity control as well as better cost efficiency. The average water supply is 650 m3 per day which is brought in on 17 trucks daily. Water is distributed through the water supply network to 26 tap stands. UNICEF, in coordination with the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), is in the process of implementing a waste water treatment plant in the camp that will be operational by the end of January.


 A comprehensive energy plan for the camp to connect electricity to every household has been developed and its implementation is ongoing. All shelters will be connected to the system, each with an allowance of 1kWh per day so that each household will have enough power to operate lights, a refrigerator, television, fan and charge phones. A solar power plant will also be installed in the camp in early 2016 to reduce the cost of electricity bills. In the meantime UNHCR has installed 472 solar street lights in the camp and distributed average of 4 solar lanterns per household.

Community Mobilization, Community Empowerment and Self-Reliance

 UNHCR and its partners have set up an Incentive Based Volunteering (IBV) scheme, through which refugees play an active role in the functioning of the camp while earning some extra income. Community centers were established in 2014 in each village and facilitate mass information activities by all agencies. 3 multipurpose sports-grounds are opened in the camp, offering additional sports activities for all age groups.

Targeting Persons with Specific Needs

 UNHCR and its partners provide psychosocial support to men, women, girls and boys in need. Special assistance is delivered to vulnerable groups such as single parent families and persons with disabilities. UNHCR works closely with its partners on child protection issues and to strengthen early identification, referral and response to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) cases in women, girls, boys and men including early and comprehensive clinical care and follow up, protection and other legal services.


UNHCR works with the following partners in Azraq Camp: The Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate (SRAD), Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, ACF, ACTED, CARE, Finn Church Aid, Handicap International, ICRC, IMC, IOM, IRC, Mercy Corps, NRC,

Questscope, REACH, Relief International, Save the Children, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP and World Vision.