34,463 refugees are currently in the camp, from a total of 53,021 persons of concern registered.
57.59% are children, including 249 unaccompanied minors
There are 1,186 people with disabilities in the camp; 37.94% of these are children.
3 in 10 households are headed by women
8,258 shelters are currently in use in the camp.
10,479 have been built since Azraq opened in 2014.
Working with Partners
UNHCR works with the following partners in Azraq Camp:
The Syrian Refugee Affairs Directorate (SRAD), the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, ACF, ACTED, AMR, ARDD-Legal Aid, CARE, DRC, Finn Church Aid, FPSC, Handicap International, ICRC, IMC, IOCC, IOM, IRC, Mercy Corps, NHF, NRC, Plan International, Questscope, Relief International, Save the Children, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNOPS, WFP, and World Vision.