Jordan | 2021 | CBPF
Jordan, Marka-Amman. Child labour is a major problem in Jordan. A recent report found 32 per cent of children experienced harassment at work, and many of them work under exploitative conditions that risk or harm their bodies, mental health and wellbeing.
Most working children are boys (76 per cent), and most are teenagers between 15-17. Child labour has significantly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic because families face a poor financial situation, pushing them to send their children to work to make the money they need to survive.
A Jordan Humanitarian Fund supported project, implemented by the Jordan River Foundation, aims to ensure the protection of children at risk of or already involved in, child labour , child marriage and other protection risks. The project reached 1,516 children in Jordan.
Seif, a young Jordanian living in Marka-Amman, took part in a workshop run by the Jordan River Foundation.
Seif already had negative attitudes toward child labour because he had peers who worked as mechanics and sold scrap metals. He knows they face many risks, and they tell him they wish to return to school.
During the activities, Seif shared his experiences and the experiences of his relatives. He learned about other risks and consequences of child labour.
Part of the training included a debate, and it was Seif’s opportunity to share his ideas and debate with another young person in the program. Saif’s position was against adolescent labour , and his opponent argued the “pro” side and financial benefits to the family.
After the debate, Saif’s opponent said, “Saif convinced me that school is important, and I will return to complete school. I will prioritize my classes because education is like a sword that cuts off ignorance and abuse.”
More information on the Jordan Humanitarian Fund: OCHA - POOLED FUNDS DATA HUB - By Country (unocha.org) https://www.unocha.org/jordan/about-jhf
Pooled Fund impact stories
#2021, #CBPF, #Education, #Jordan, #Protection
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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