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Jordan + 1 more

Kuwaiti charity looks after orphans in Jordan

By Mahmoud Bushehri

AMMAN, March 4 (KUNA) -- Kuwait-based Al-Najat Charitable Society announced on Friday it would take under its wings 1250 Syrian and Jordanian orphans.

Al-Najat announced that at a ceremony in conjunction with a Jordanian charitable society in a bid to alleviate the plight of orphans of Syrian refugees and Jordanian orphans as well. The ceremony was attended by a number of Syrian and Jordanian families with orphaned children.

Director of Al-Najat, Thamer Al-Saheeb, told KUNA that a Kuwaiti group made up of twelve people representing the Kuwaiti charitable society came to the ceremony today, adding that he was grateful to the embassy of Kuwait in Amman for its efforts to ease the work of Kuwaiti charitable organizations in Jordan, particularly in dealing with Syrian refugees on Jordanian soil.

Spokesperson for the Jordanian charity attending the ceremony, Mahmoud Abu-Ramees, told KUNA that the charity he works for has about 2000 orphans currently being looked after through funding by Al-Najat. He thanked all Kuwaiti charities for their benevolent care of refugees in Jordan. (end) mjb.ajs


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