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Jordan + 1 more

Jordan: Zaatari Camp Dashboard (August 2021)


COVID-19 RESPONSE (as of end of August)
- 18,141 refugees vaccinated (at least one dose)
- 22,856 refugees registered on the MoH platform to be vaccinated
- 2,310 confirmed COVID-19 cases since the start of the outbreak
- 2 active cases, 2,283 recovered cases
- Two in-camp vaccination centres operating as of 15 March 2021
- Enhanced communication, awareness raising and community outreach on the vaccination programme
- Surveillance and monitoring
- Response and vaccination activities in coordination with MoH

- 21,375 children currently enrolled in education (MOE-EMIS 2020-2021)
91 KG2 classrooms benefitting 2,048 children | non-formal education beneting 452 students
6,015 children benefitting from integrated learning support oered by UNICEF Makani centres
- 32 schools and 58 community centres
- 14,224 work permits (appx. 39% of Zaatari’s working-age population), including 27% female
- 3,761 refugees, including 30% female, engaged in the Incentive-Based Voluneer (IBV) scheme
- 6,831 average weekly health consultations, 82 referrals per week
- 2,000 households will be eligible for shelter repair project in 2021, 1,037 caravans have been repaired