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Jordan + 6 more

Jordan: UNHCR Operational Update, July 2022


UNHCR marked the ten years of Zaatari camp, a major milestone for its 80,000 residents. Zaatari camp remains the largest refugee camp in the Middle East and one of the largest in the world, and a symbol of the long-running Syrian refugee situation.

Despite an increase in COVID-19 infections across Jordan, the epidemiological situation remained stable with no increases recorded in deaths or hospitalisations. UNHCR continues to monitor the situation, while vaccinations among refugees remain high.

UNHCR continues efforts to transition refugees receiving cash assistance to the mobile wallet modality, with 24 per cent of beneficiaries living outside of camps and 90 per cent in camps receiving their cash on mobile wallets.


■ In July, over 40,000 people underwent registration interviews, with the majority doing so through in-person procedures at UNHCR’s Registration Centres (RCs). The RCs also continue to receive refugees seeking protection and counselling. The recently launched Protection Appointment System is being utilised by refugees to schedule appointments.

■ The annual data updates and document renewal in camps continued in July. Over 35 per cent of families targeted have been verified thus far, indicating significant progress from last month. The aim of the outreach is to ensure accurate and reliable registration data on refugees living in the camps.

■ UNHCR continued to share information with refugees and asylum-seekers through different means, including the Helpline and social media, with some 20,000 visitors on the Help site and over 150,000 calls handled on the Helpline. The rehaul of the UNHCR Helpline continues, in efforts to be able to provide essential assistance to more refugees.

■ During July, UNHCR’s child protection/gender-based violence teams counselled and supported close to 200 individuals, who benefited from case management, legal, psychosocial services and mental health, resettlement, and cash services through UNHCR or implementing partners.