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Jordan + 1 more

Jordan: RRP6 Monthly Update - March (WASH)


MARCH HIGHLIGHTS WASH minimum standards in host communities:

The WASH WG is in the process of developing minimum standards for interventions in host communities to be used as a guidance document for partners. This document will work in parallel to the minimum standards developed last month for camps. They have been developed with inter-agency guidance from lessons learnt in Lebanon.

WASH and Shelter coordination:

On 19 March PU-AMI organised a joint WASH-shelter field visit to Zarqa and Rusafieh. The objective of the visit was to enhance coordination between the two sectors for interventions in the host community. The visit included a rapid assessment of 2 informal tented settlements, 2 households in Zarqa and the water network in Rusafieh which is experiencing a high rate of water loss.

Zaatari camp (WASH infrastructure updates):

-Planned water supply network: A water supply network will replace water trucking by the end of 2014 in Zaatari camp. The new water supply network has been designed through a strategic sub-working group led by Oxfam which includes a completed BOQ. The design includes communal water points with potential to link at the household level.

-Planned wastewater collection network: Last month consultants visited Zaatari and tenders for the design were received last month (23 Feb). The design phase will last until May/June with work on the ground starting in Sept/ Oct taking 9-12 months to complete.

-Planned wastewater treatment plant: two onsite containerised wastewater treatment plants will be constructed in the camp led by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MoWI).
The contract between the MoWI and the supplier has been signed which includes 1 year of operation and maintenance from September 2014 onwards.

-Household toilet connections: GIZ have developed a concept note on the transition