Sector priorities for 2014:
Harmonisation of the NFI packages: the NFI Task Force has collected information on the content of the hygiene kits distributed in urban and in the camps. Minimum standards are being developed and they will be discussed with the WASH sector in order to ensure a harmonized approach.
Development of a Post-Distribution Monitoring: the Task Force has presented the questionnaires and the guidlines to the NFI WG. The questionnaires include exit questions to monitor the distribution process as well as PDM questions to evaluate the usage and appropriateness of the distributed items. The guidelines provide guidance on the sample sizes and the PDM process. Both documents are under revision by the NFI Working Group .
Distribution of winterization NFIs has been completed in March: agencies have broadly used the winterization module to cross check beneficiaries and avoid dublication. PDM to start by next month. Lessons learnt and good practices to be presented to the group.