1,087 Girls INEE Minimum Standards Task Force: The INEE MS TF had a first meeting and agreed on creating a common calendar of events and trainings to promote the use and understanding of the INEE MS that members are planning to provide at Amman level and at camp level.
Joint Education Needs Assessment (JENA) Review: REACH presented the proposed methodology for the JENA in the Host Community and Zaatari camp, and received final comments from ESWG members
The Education Sector and Child Protection sub-sector have been working closely to improve synergy of services and analysis.
For Amman Sector:
Child Protection Minimum Standards Review: The ESWG in collaboration with the CP sub- sector WG reviewed the Standard 20 Child Protection Minimum Standard in Humanitarian Action relating to Education and Child Protection in humanitarian action.
Temporary Protective Learning Spaces in Informal Settlements: The ESWG in collaboration with Save the Children Jordan produced a checklist to help guiding partners providing education services in Informal Settlements in Host community. The Checklist was reviewed and is currently being finalized, taking into account ESWG members’ inputs as well as CP sub WG.
For Zaatari Sector:
Zaatari Education Referral Pathway: The ESWG developed a Referral Pathways for education services in Zaatari. It is currently under finalization and will be put into operation in the coming month.
Zaatari Education Workplan: The Zaatari EWG Workplan 2014 has been reviewed to include members and other sectors’ inputs.
For Azraq camp:
ESWG in Azraq: The ESWG Chair is already and regularly coordinating with UNICEF and its implementing partners. The need for an Education working group in Azraq will be assessed and an Azraq Education coordination group will be activated if necessary.