I. General / Inter-Sector Update
Jana Snow Storm: The second snowstorm in 2015 hit Jordan between Thursday 19th February and Sunday 22nd February 2015. Low temperatures, freezing rain and snow have affected urban areas and the refugee camps, triggering emergency measures and contingency plans. Robust contingency planning in the camps has meant that flooding, shelter and infrastructural damage was prevented or addressed quickly, with partner staff working throughout the weekend to bring services back to normal. In urban areas, UN agencies and NGOs have provided non-food items, targeted cash and vouchers and emergency shelter support.
All refugees in camps, or 100,000 people, have received tailored winterization support since November 2014. During the Jana storm, 135 individuals required use of UNICEF/Save the Children Emergency Shelters in Zaatari. This also reflects how the vast majority of the 84,000 refugees have now moved from tents to pre-fabs, with 1,200 caravans provided since January 2015. Over 5,742 cubic metres of melt water was removed by WASH partners between 20th and 21st February from Zaatari alone. WFP provided full deliveries of bread to both Zaatari and Azraq, while ensuring that e-vouchers were filled and the supermarkets were pre-stocked and open.
A report on the Jana storm response is available at http://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/download.php?id=8221
Urban Verification: February witnessed the launch of the Government urban re-registration exercise.
This is a process whereby each Syrian national residing in Jordan outside refugee camps will be issued a new Ministry of Interior (MOI) service document for Syrian nationals. The new MOI service document will allow every Syrian and their family members residing outside camps to continue getting access to services such as health and education in Jordan.
The old MOI cards will no longer be valid once the new service documents are issued, while nonparticipation could affect the legal status of the individual and limit access to government services. The start dates are staggered by governorate. Amman governorate began on 15th February, Irbid from 24th February and into March. Start dates in Ramtha, Ajlouin, Jerash, Balqa and Mafraq are also following in March.
Inter-Active Dashboards: The January inter-active dashboards are now available online. Based on partners’ reporting through Activityinfo, the sectoral dashboards are designed to act as a data exploration tool to facilitate operational coordination: http://data.unhcr.org/jordan/sectors/