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Jordan + 4 more

Helpline Dashboard UNHCR Jordan - October 2018


UNHCR Jordan has one of the largest refugee helplines in the world, answering over 150,000 calls per month. Since its inception in 2008, staff on the helpline have responded to over 2 million calls. The system uses Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology, where automated information is delivered on key topics, while 14 dedicated staff are available for more complex and emergency calls.

During the month of October, the Helpline team’s support continued to the Cash Delivery team conducting outbound calls for the ATM verification exercise of cases with medical conditions that are receiving their assistance through cards over the phone. The team also participated in Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) for the Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) for Cash-Based Intervention (CBI). The team also facilitated outbound stations for the Education unit. Additionally, preparations for the Winterization campaign and communication through the Helpline have started. Finally, a training on basic reporting skills was conducted this month for the team leads.