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Japan + 1 more

Zimbabwe: Infant mortality rate triples

Written by Ngoni Chanakira

Wednesday, 06 April 2011 13:35

HARARE – Zimbabwe's infant mortality rate has almost tripled from 285 per 100 000 to 725 to-date, the Multiple Indicator Monitoring Survey (MIMS) has revealed.

The MIMS said that the maternal mortality rate was 725 per 100 000 live births - almost triple the 1990 rate of 285 per 100 000 live births. Likewise, it said, the under five mortality rate has shot up by 22 per cent from the 1990 baseline.

"This deterioration has been attributed to the unavailability of essential maternity and Emergency Obstetric and Neo-Natal Care equipment and commodities and the shortage of trained human resources," MIMS said in its latest report.

The Government of Japan recently gave Zimbabwe US$9,9 million to be disbursed through four United Nations (UN) Agencies and the Red Cross.

"This project, therefore, seeks to redress this declining trend," the MIMS statement said.

Japanese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Morita said he hoped this humanitarian gesture from his government would contribute to the improved standards of living to the more vulnerable groups in Zimbabwe.