As of April 11th PWJ has expanded its area of operations to include Sanriku Town in Miyagi, Ofunato City in Iwate, and Rikuzentakata City also in Iwate. We started with distribution of emergency items. Now we are working on building temporary bathing facilities for evacuation centers in need. On April 9th, we provided daily necessary items for those moving into the first temporary housing units completed in Rikuzentakata City. Also, we understand the need for mid to long-term support, especially for the children who have had a lot of difficult experiences due to this earthquake and tsunami. We have started activities to give them a place to play. We are planning both fun and serious support, including providing training to those who engage in teaching children.
We have received donations and messages from companies and from individuals all around Japan and the world. We will use these donations to continue our relief operations. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We will continue to give periodic updates on our activities and usage of donations.
We at PWJ will work our hardest to continue our support and hope for a fast recovery.
April 11th, 2011 Peace Winds Japan