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Japan: Press Conference by Minister for Foreign Affairs Takeaki Matsumoto, April 1, 2011, 4:45 p.m.

Date: Friday, April 1, 2011, 4:45 p.m.

Place: MOFA Press Conference Room

Main topics:

Opening Remarks

(1) Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake

(2) Visit to Japan by Federal Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Guido Westerwelle of the Federal Republic of Germany

(3) Diplomatic Bluebook

  1. Opening Remarks

(1) Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake

Minister Matsumoto: With regard to the (Tohoku-Pacific Ocean) Earthquake, while the State Secretary already explained several points on the import-related measures of foreign countries and regions, I would like to reiterate. Regarding the import-related measures on food products from Japan imposed by foreign countries in response to the nuclear accident, the MOFA has been gathering information through the overseas establishments of Japan while providing foreign embassies and international organizations located in Tokyo of information with an explanation. In the meantime, as State Secretary mentioned, we are approaching countries that seems to be taking excessive measures for corrective actions. In this regard, I called the ministries and agencies concerned to hold a meeting at a state secretary level on March 31 (yesterday) chaired by Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuyama. I understand that the participants reached an agreement at the meeting to work together in conjunction. As Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuyama already stated in the briefing on that occasion, origin certification is one of the measures considered, and I understand that the ministries concerned are making preparations for the same. As for the measures of each country, the MOFA has given instructions to the overseas establishments for investigations. The ministries and agencies concerned in consultation with the MOFA have been providing each industry and party concerned with the results of the investigations from time to time. We are planning to post the measures of major countries on the MOFA's website within a day or two. The MOFA will continue providing each country with sufficient information on the latest state of the nuclear power plant, and work in close cooperation with the ministries and agencies concerned in order to prevent excessive reactions or unreasonable import bans taken overseas. A number of foreign embassies in Tokyo were closed after the disaster, which reopened one after another. I understand that there are 14 embassies presently closed.

(2) Visit to Japan by Federal Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Guido Westerwelle of the Federal Republic of Germany

Minister: Federal Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Guido Westerwelle of the Federal Republic of Germany will visit Japan on April 2 (tomorrow), and I am expecting to hold talks. I understand that he is visiting Japan to express Germany's solidarity and support for Japan in response to the occurrence of the earthquake, and I look forward to meeting him for fruitful talks. Japan and Germany commemorates the 150th anniversary of exchanges this year, and I think it is a good opportunity to deepen the friendly relationship between the two countries. As a matter of course, I would like to explain our responses for the earthquake and countermeasures taken against the accident of the nuclear power plant.

(3) Diplomatic Bluebook

Minister: I have distributed a gist of the diplomatic bluebook at the cabinet meeting today. As is well known, the bluebook explains Japan's diplomatic endeavor with consideration of the international affairs in 2010.