KEY DEVELOPMENTS · On April 7 at 1032 hours Eastern Daylight Time, or 2332 hours Japan Standard Time (JST), a magnitude 7.1 aftershock occurred off the east coast of Honshu Island—approximately 41 miles east of Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, and 205 miles northeast of Tokyo—at a depth of 30 miles. The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning shortly after the event but cancelled the warning within 90 minutes. Non-governmental organizations operating locally reported that the earthquake temporarily affected electricity in some areas but resulted in limited damage. The Government of Japan (GoJ) National Police Agency (NPA) reported two deaths and 132 people injured as a result of the April 7 aftershock, which was the largest to occur since the March 11 earthquake. NPA also reported moderate road damage resulting from the aftershock.
· The March 11 earthquake and tsunami have resulted in nearly 13,000 deaths and left nearly 15,000 people missing, the GoJ reported on April 8. The natural disasters also damaged or destroyed more than 217,000 buildings and 2,100 roads.
· The number of people staying in evacuation centers continues to decrease, with approximately 154,000 people remaining in centers as of April 8. More than 18,000 people have left evacuation centers since March 31.