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Jamaica: Hurricane Sandy - Revised Emergency appeal n° MDRJM003


This Revised Emergency Appeal adjusts the appeal targets downwards from 1,211,693 Swiss francs to 605,464 Swiss francs, with operational changes based on detailed situation analysis.

The number of people to be reached remains at 3,400 families. The operation’s timeframe will be requested to be extended until 30 November 2013. A final report will be made available by 28 February 2014, three months after the completion of the operation.

With the contributions received to date, the revised appeal is 100% covered in cash and kind.

Appeal history:

  • An Emergency Appeal was issued on 30 October 2012.

  • Operations Update No.1 was issued on 19 November 2012.

  • Operations Update No. 2 was issued on 4 January 2013

  • The six-month update was issued on 6 August 2013

Summary: On 30 October 2012, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) launched an emergency appeal – on behalf of the Jamaica Red Cross Society (JRCS) – to respond to the needs of the people affected by Hurricane Sandy, which hit Jamaica on 24 October as a Category 1 hurricane. The hurricane caused damage to houses and gave rise to flooding. The most severely affected parishes include:

St. Thomas, Portland and St. Mary, with a total population of 289,261 (2011 Census, Statistical Institute of Jamaica). The activities covered under the appeal included the distribution of non-food items (NFIs), repair and reconstruction of damaged homes, early recovery of families whose livelihoods have been affected, emergency health, as well as disaster preparedness and risk reduction for future disasters of a similar kind.

During Hurricane Sandy, the activities led by the Jamaica Red Cross Society with the support of the IFRC, were primarily focused on response and immediate relief. Volunteers were deployed to the affected parishes to help with the emergency response. The Jamaica Red Cross conducted relief distributions that consisted of non-food items (mosquitos nets, hygiene kits, mattresses) and food hampers.

Planning and preparations for early recovery assistance started alongside relief interventions, where beneficiaries were identified for livelihood recovery.

Due to operational changes based on detailed situation analysis, this appeal has been revised downwards from 1,211,693 Swiss francs to 605,480 Swiss francs. With this revision, the Jamaica Red Cross intends to reach 3,400 families which have been adversely affected by the hurricane.