In Numbers
- 47,791 people assisted in September 2024
- USD 1.02 million cash-based transfers made in September 2024
- USD 9.6 million six months (October 2024 – March 2025) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
General Food Assistance
- WFP assisted 2,236 camp residents (550 households) in the Jada’a1 camp in Ninewa Governorate with e-vouchers for food commodities. Additionally, WFP distributed multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) to 7,793 individuals (1,572 households) without civil documentation in Baghdad, Salah Al-Din, Kirkuk, Ninawa, Diyala, and Babel Governorates. WFP assisted 37,762 Syrian Refugees (6,718 households) in the nine camps in Erbil, Duhok, and Sulaymaniyah with CBT through Money Transfer.
- On 23 September, WFP and the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) visited a Multiple Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) distribution site in Kirkuk Governorate. The ECHO team toured the site, received a briefing on the distribution process, and participated in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to gather feedback from beneficiaries.
Economic Empowerment, Livelihoods and Climate Change
- On 26 September, WFP, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), launched the e-Farming pilot project in Karbala Governorate in the presence of H.E., the Minister of Agriculture, WFP Country Director, and the Governor of Karbala. This digital platform will support farmers through the automation of agricultural activities in alignment with strategic Government plans.
- On 26 September, WFP Iraq, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA), officially launched the Youth Economic Empowerment project in the presence of H.E., the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. The launch occurred during a celebration coinciding with the 85th anniversary of the Ministry's establishment. With WFP technical support, the project will provide participants in Baghdad and Diwaniya Governorates with specialized Entrepreneurship Training of Trainers (ToT). These programmes equip local trainers with the knowledge to guide the Social Safety Net (SSN) recipients to sustainable livelihoods.
- As part of their collaboration to support agricultural value chains in Ninawa Governorate, WFP and the International Trade Centre (ITC) conducted a joint mission to the Hemedat area in Ninawa Governorate. They visited an agricultural aggregation hub facility that aims to enhance the value of agricultural products by improving market access and facilitating farmers’ engagement with retailers.
- In September, WFP submitted a formal request to the Ministry of Environment through the newly established State Company for Carbon Economies for the registration of a bio-sequestering project. In addition, WFP received an in-kind contribution from the Government of Iraq co-funding the project of Climate Resilient Livelihoods for Vulnerable People in the South of Iraq funded under the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The project aims to enhance climate resilience for vulnerable communities in southern Iraq.