In Numbers
- 49,166 people assisted in October 2024
- USD 1.2 million cash-based transfers distributed in October 2024
- USD 1.6 million six months (November 2024 – April 2025) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
General Food Assistance
- WFP assisted 2,591 resident beneficiaries (638 households) in the Jada’a1 camp in Ninewa Governorate with e-vouchers for food commodities.
- Additionally, WFP distributed cash assistance to 37,756 Syrian refugees (6,716 households) in nine camps across the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).
- Furthermore, WFP distributed multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) to 8,477 individuals (1,707 households) without civil documentation in Baghdad, Salah Al-Din, Kirkuk, Ninawa, Diyala, and Babel Governorates.
Economic Empowerment, Livelihoods and Climate
- As part of its Livelihoods and Economic Empowerment activities, WFP organised a 3-week training for the participants of SheCan initiative, which aims to support communities to transition from humanitarian assistance, by building sustainable livelihoods and fostering resilience. The training took place in Kerbala and Basra Governorates and covered topics of financial literacy and entrepreneurship. Participants will be then connected to a WFP-supported microfinance institution (MFI) to assess eligibility for tailored loans to boost their income-generating activities.
- WFP-Iraq launched the “Promoting Adaptation Through Localized Methods (PALM)" campaign, encouraging youth innovators to submit proposals for climate-smart projects. This campaign seeks to promote sustainable and climate-smart agriculture and address Iraq's post-harvest losses and water scarcity. Around 50 project proposals have been received and are currently under assessment.
- WFP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), launched the installation and rehabilitation of high-gain communication equipment for automated Agronomic-Meteorological station. This initiative aims to enhance the Ministry’s agrometeorological network, providing real-time weather and climate data to inform decision-making in the agriculture sector. The collaboration includes on-site training for MoA’s technical staff to strengthen their technical and operational capacity.
School Feeding
- In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, WFP conducted a procurement and supply chain management training for the School Feeding Committee of the Ministry. A second session covering the supply chain and monitoring topics will take place in late November for the Ministry’s staff in the locations where the School Feeding programme will be implemented.
Social Protection
- As part of the Youth Economic Empowerment project, WFP launched an entrepreneurship Training of Trainers (ToT) for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) staff from Baghdad, Al-Naseriya, and Al-Diwaniya. This training strengthens MoLSA's ability to guide Social Safety Net (SSN) beneficiaries toward self-reliance through business creation and enhance participants' operational and technical skills.
- In partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), WFP held a five-day TRANSFORM training in Iraq for Government officials in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). The training aimed at strengthening the social protection systems through enhanced critical thinking and improved design and effectiveness of the national social protection floors. The training was attended by 19 officials from various KRI ministries.