In Numbers
10,541 people assisted in November 2024
USD 359,270 cash-based transfers made in November 2024
USD 11.1 million six months (December 2024 – May 2025) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
General Food Assistance
• WFP assisted 2,084 beneficiaries (499 households) in the Al Jad’ah1 camp in Ninewa Governorate with e-vouchers for food commodities.
• Furthermore, WFP provided multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) to 8,457 individuals (1,698 households) without civil documentation in Baghdad,
Salah Al-Din, Kirkuk, Ninawa, Diyala, and Babel Governorates.
Economic Empowerment, Livelihoods and Climate
• On 4 November, WFP participated in the Rural Women’s Day event organized by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). WFP highlighted its joint initiatives with MoA, focusing on the economic empowerment of rural women through enhanced livelihoods. Women beneficiaries who successfully launched small businesses through these projects participated in the event, where they shared their experiences and showcased their products. This demonstrated the positive impact of these projects in strengthening rural women’s resilience and economic opportunities.
As part of the SheCan initiative, which aims to enhance women’s livelihoods and strengthen community resilience during the transition from humanitarian assistance towards long-term development, WFP conducted training sessions for 156 participants in Karbala and Basra governorates. The sessions, delivered in collaboration with a lending institution, focused on financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, and loan management. Participants gained essential skills in financial literacy and loan utilization, empowering them to grow their businesses and build resilience.
• WFP participated in COP29 in Baku (11–22 November), actively contributing to Iraq’s pavilion activities. WFP facilitated two side events focusing on leveraging nature-based solutions for resilience-building in the Kurdistan Region and introducing climate risk insurance schemes. The events underscored the importance of collaboration between the Government, academia, the private sector, and international organizations to tackle critical challenges such as extreme heat, desertification, and water scarcity in Iraq.