In Numbers
- 11,398 People assisted in August 2024
- USD 365,686 Cash-based transfers made in August 2024
- USD 17.5 million six months (September 2024 – February 2025) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
General Food Assistance
• WFP assisted 2,838 internally displaced persons (IDPs) (723 households) in the Jada’a1 camp in Ninewa Governorate with e-vouchers for food commodities.
Additionally, WFP distributed multi-purpose cash assistance to 8,560 individuals (1,729 households) without civil documentation in Baghdad, Salah Al-Din,
Kirkuk, Ninawa, Diyala, and Babel Governorates.
Economic Empowerment, Livelihoods and Climate Change
• In preparation for the launch of the SheCan project, an initiative aiming to enhance the access of communities transitioning out from humanitarian assistance to livelihoods opportunities and build their resilience, WFP facilitated focus group discussions (FGDs) with women engaged in dairy production in Kerbala Governorate. WFP met with selected beneficiaries who received previous support from WFP (capacity-strengthening and productive assets) and will be eligible to receive tailored loan products to increase their income-generating activities.
• As part of the preparations for the commencement of the Climate Risk Insurance (CRI) pilot project, an Insurance and Loans Layering (SAILL) initiative where CRI serves as a de-risking mechanism for Shariah-compliant microcredits to vulnerable populations, WFP conducted product validation and FGDs in Ninawa and Kerbala Governorates with support from the respective Directorates of Agriculture (DoA). These field-level dialogues aimed to ensure the draft insurance product for heatwaves meets the needs of targeted populations and enhances cooperation with the DoAs before implementation.
• On 28 August, WFP and the Ministry of Environment (MoEn), signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) on institutional partnership and cooperation in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation, carbon markets, disaster risk reduction, further enhancing the implementation of all resolutions associated with the Paris agreement, United Nations Framework Convention on climate change (UNFCCC) and the Sendai Framework in Iraq. During the signing event, both parties emphasized the urgent need for robust measures to combat the impact of climate change in the country, reaffirming their commitment to supporting comprehensive climate actions under this strategic partnership