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Weekly AFP surveillance feedback for Iraq; report 39 for international week 42 ending 18/10/2008


1. Annualized AFP rate/ 100,000 in children under 15 years of age, by province (Fig. 1):

During the first 42 weeks of 2008, 358 AFP cases were reported from all 19 DoHs. The annualized AFP rate of => 2 per 100,000 of the population under 15 years of age (Fig 1) has been attained for the country as a whole in addition to 17 DoHs. The province of Diala has just fallen below the critical line of 2 this week; Babil is still a long way from achieving this indicator, despite our repeated messages. EPI national staff will conduct one of a series of advocacy meeting in Babil DoH, to address Babil's poor performance in almost all surveillance indicators. The efforts of surveillance staff in Anbar succeeded in improving AFP case detection and reporting. Basra fell below the critical rate 2/100,000 < 15 population.