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Iraq + 2 more

UNHCR Iraq Factsheet - Quarter 1, 2014


Refugees /Asylum Seekers

The number of registered protracted (non-Syrian) refugees and asylum seekers is now 39,480. UNHCR provides protection and assistance to the refugees while seeking durable solutions for them, through voluntary repatriation, resettlement or local integration. As of the end of March 2014, the total number of registered Syrian refugees in Iraq reached 220,787. More than 98 per cent are hosted in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

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UNHCR continues to process the applications of the residents of ex-New Iraq camp (formerly camp Ashraf) who have been transferred voluntarily to Hurriya Temporary Transit Location. Of these, 2,023 individuals were identified as being with International Protection needs. As of 31 March, 367 individuals have departed to third countries. Out of the 210 that Albania accepted, 208 individuals departed. Out of the 98 individuals accepted by Germany, 91 individuals departed to Germany. In total, 56 individuals departed Iraq between 1 January and 31 March 2014.