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UN and KRG authorities meet in Erbil to discuss past and future UN activities in Northern Iraq

Erbil, June 6 - The Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Sarkis Aghadjan met recently in Erbil with the UN Deputy SRSG for Iraq, Mr. Staffan De Mistura to discuss issues relating to past and future activities of the United Nations in Northern Iraq.
Both parties amicably reached an agreement regarding assets procured by the United Nations with funds from the SCR-986 'Oil for Food' Programme 2.2% account.

During the very constructive discussions with the KRG Authorities, the Deputy SRSG indicated that he clearly understands the concerns previously expressed by the Prime Minister, Mr. Nechirvan Barzani regarding the use of the 2.2% account. Mr. de Mistura also expressed his appreciation for the Prime Minister's constructive approach in solving this issue.

In relation to re-starting United Nations operations in Northern Iraq, they also agreed that future United Nations activities in the region would closely involve the KRG prior to initiation of programmes.

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