Extracted from UMCOR Hotline 28 Feb
Many millions of people still face famine
in the southern part of Africa. Recently UMCOR distributed an emergency
grant of $100,000 through Action by Churches Together (ACT) to help in
the severe hunger crisis in Zambia. Another grant of $20,000 went through
the disaster coordinator in Mozambique. The distribution of these funds
was made possible by the Church Wide Appeal for Southern Africa Famine.
Thank you on behalf of those who are alive because of your gifts. Please
continue to encourage your congregation to receive contributions for Advance
UMCOR's Sager-Brown Depot has a tremendous need for emergency kits and bulk items for kits. Use is up and contributions are down. Please help UMCOR continue to supply these essential items to people in need in the U.S. and around the world. Send emergency kits and bulk commodities to the depot. Information is available by calling 1-800-554-8583 or by visiting the website at http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor/kits.cfm.
Working ecumenically through Church World Service and connected to appropriate area humanitarian groups, UMCOR is responding to the desperate needs of Iraqi children. During the last two decades the children have suffered at the hands of both internal and external forces. Officials estimate that 500,000 to one million of them have died. The late Mr. Rogers, who was a Presbyterian clergyman, once said, "Children aren't responsible for wars.... The least and best we adults can do is to let our children know that we'll take good care of them no matter what."* Please support the "All Our Children" campaign by giving to the Iraq Emergency Advance #623225-4 and designate "All Our Children."
The International Disaster Response Advance is UMCOR's means for responding to major catastrophes as well as little-known emergencies around the globe. All through the year, day in and day out, these funds are needed. One hundred percent of a contribution goes to the designated response. Please give to Advance #982450-8.
UMCOR is providing emergency relief in many areas of the world. To find out more about UMCOR ministries and to make a secure online gift, please visit the website: http://gbgm-umc.org/umcor/. Gifts may also be made through local United Methodist churches; sending financial contributions to UMCOR, 475 Riverside Dr., Room 330, New York, NY 10115; or by calling 1-800-554-8583, where credit card donations are accepted.