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UMCOR Hotline 20 Mar 2003: Iraq

This is a special edition of the UMCOR Hotline.
We at UMCOR had hoped and prayed that war with Iraq would be averted. However, now that war has begun, our humanitarian efforts must be redoubled.

UMCOR, through its ecumenical partners, is present in Iraq. We will help provide general health care, food and shelter. We will continue our efforts of serving the health care and food needs of malnourished children as well as their mothers and other women in Iraq. You can help bind up the wounds of our brothers and sisters in Iraq, old wounds that are now deepened by war. Please give to the Iraq Emergency Advance #623225-4.

UMCOR is also providing one of three staff who will provide communications about Iraq for many denominations through Action by Churches Together (ACT). They will be based in Amman, Jordan. This is a way for churches to receive direct, unfiltered information on which to plan a response.

We ask United Methodists to offer their prayers for the people of Iraq and all those who will be affected by this war, including those with humanitarian needs in other parts of the world. Also please pray and support the men and women of our Armed Forces, who now have gone to battle in the name of our country, and their families.