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Tal Afar: Social Cohesion, Conflict Sensitivity, Climate Change, and Livelihoods Household Assessment and Focus Group Discussion


1. Household Assessment  

The household assessment was conducted on 4, 5 and 6 April 2023 in all neighbourhoods of Tal Afar city: Al Askary, Al Jazeera, Al Khadraa, Al Kifah Al Shumaly, Al Moaalameen, Al Moothana, Al Nasser, Al Nidaa, Al Noor, Al Qadsyia Al Qalaa, Al Rabiaa, Al Saad, Al Salam, Al Taliaa, Al Uroba, Al Wahda, and Al Kifah Al Jinobi. 9 enumerators living in Tal Afar (5 male and 4 female) asked questions to a total number of 88 interviewees (49 male and 39 female). The interviews were conducted by going from household door to door. Questions were asked in Arabic, taken from Kobo Toolbox afterward, and translated into English.

1.1. General Overview

The interviewees were asked to provide their names if they felt comfortable but AGO explained that this information would not be shared with anyone and that the data would remain anonymous. All interviewees were asked to consent to be interviewed and explained the purpose of the interview, their confidentiality, and how long the interview would take.

While most Tal Afar residents described themselves as host communities (47 people), 35 people identified as ‘returnees’ and 6 people as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). This is largely due to violence resulting from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant’s presence in the region between 2014 and 2017