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Sustainable Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Labor Market Assessment Al-Khalis District, Diyala Governorate (July 2021)


Executive Summary

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) in partnership with United National Development Program (UNDP) launched a project ‘’sustainable livelihoods and economic recovery program in Al-Khalis district of Diyala Governorate Iraq’’ under the umbrella of Iraq Crisis response and Resilience Program (ICRRP) with the generous funding from German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), provided through KfW Development bank. To better understand the market dynamics and as part of the project initiation, labor market assessment was conducted by DRC in Al-Khalis district. The aim of the labour market assessment is to allow DRC to gain a deeper understanding of the local markets dynamics and identify the economic opportunities that can build inclusive, resilient, and economically empowered communities