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Statement from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) on Victory Day in Iraq [EN/AR/KU]


On the 10th of December, Iraq celebrates Victory Day, marking the liberation of its territory from the control of the terrorist group Dae’sh/ISIL. On this important milestone, we recall the great sacrifices of Iraqis to reclaim their land and establish security and stability throughout the country.

In addition to being an occasion on which we express our heartfelt congratulations, Victory Day underscores the need to preserve the gains that have been achieved through the efforts of everybody in Iraq as well as their partners from around the world. It is a call for all to consolidate national unity and to jointly work towards a strong Iraq that can confront challenges, and one that is free of the tensions and conflicts afflicting the region.

On this occasion, we laud the achievements made since the territorial victory over terrorism. We call for continued efforts to rid Iraq not only of the remnants of Dae’sh, but of all forms of extremism and fanaticism. We look forward to an Iraq in which everyone enjoys security, safety, respect for human rights and the rule of law. We look forward to the country turning the pages of the painful past for good by strengthening national reconciliation to maintain the gains achieved, and to focus on what unites and avoid what divides, including controversial topics that do not contribute to unifying the social fabric and cohesion among its components.

We are hopeful that the joy of victory will be completed with the safe and dignified return of all those displaced by this conflict to their homes, and when all Iraqi citizens are repatriated from Al-Hol camp in northeast Syria and integrated into society. In this context, we commend the great efforts by the Iraqi government on those particular files, supported by UNAMI and the UN Iraq Country Team.

The United Nations reiterates its full support for the Government and people of Iraq in the restoration of sovereignty and control over their territory, and in achieving sustainable stability and development. Iraq has proven to the world that it is capable, through the solidarity of its people, of overcoming challenges and creating a brighter and more prosperous future for all its citizens.