The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), concluded a 6-week Construction related technical skills training programme for 125 selected community members in Ramadi, Anbar Governorate. With generous contributions from the Government of Japan, the technical capacity building and training in carpentry, welding, aluminium works, plumbing, electricity and traditional building skills were conducted under the project titled “Promoting Urban Recovery in Newly Liberated Areas in Iraq”.
In a statement by Dr. Erfan Ali, the head of UN-Habitat Iraq he reiterated the commitment of the agency to promote community-based recovery in the crisis-affected areas in the country, in complementary to the ongoing efforts to enhance urban resilience in these areas by UN-Habitat and other concerned agencies. He acknowledged the ownership of the recovery intervention by local communities who played significant role in identifying the local needs and mobilizing the youth of the targeted neighbourhoods to enrol them in the capacity building programme.
Under the ongoing project in Ramadi, the focus is to support the rehabilitation of the damaged houses and basic community infrastructure to facilitate safe, voluntary and dignified returns by involving the communities through community-based committees, and providing community members with the necessary skills to operate and maintain basic community infrastructure. This approach will thereby empower community members both socially and economically, increase community ownership of programmes, and encourage targeted communities to solve their problems independently, which is the key to peaceful recovery.
Ali Hatam Ali, a 19 year old who participated in the training, said “I used to work as unskilled labour working for few days a week within construction companies. After the technical skills training in electricity conducted by UN-Habitat, I am now working everyday as apprentice electrician. This has increased my earnings and enable me start a career as electrical technician.” 21 year old Muhammed Najim Salih, another participant, stated that “I was jobless upon return to Ramadi. I took the training opportunity offered by UN-Habitat and enrolled for the carpentry skills training. I am currently working with an experienced carpenter. I now earn to take care of my family and improving on my skill as a carpenter.”
The implementation of the recent capacity building programme was conducted in partnership with Al-Karam Organization for Human Development.
For further information, please contact:
Alan Miran, Media and Communications Specialist, UN-Habitat
Mobile: + 964 750 342 7036
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