The purpose of the 1999 Iraq Child and
Maternal Mortality Surveys is to measure the levels and trends of child
mortality over the past 20 years, at the country level, by region, and
by other key population characteristics; and to establish a baseline for
assessing future trends in Maternal Mortality.
There are two surveys: one covering
the 15 governorates in the southern part of the country, where about 85%
of the Iraqi population live, and one in the northern autonomous governorates
of Dohouk, Erbil and Al-Suleimaniyah.
Information on these surveys and on estimates of child mortality for the whole of Iraq are as follows.
Survey in the 15 southern governorates:
- The cover and acknowledgements pages of the preliminary report (Acrobat 21KB)
- The contents (pages 2 to 16) of the preliminary report (Acrobat 279KB)
Survey in the 3 autonomous northern governorates:
- The cover and acknowledgements pages of the preliminary report (Acrobat 164KB)
- The contents (pages 2 to 13) of the preliminary report (Acrobat 208KB)
Estimates of child mortality for the whole of Iraq:
- Estimates of under-five and infant mortality rates for Iraq over the period 1960 to 1998
- A note on estimation of under-five deaths (Acrobat 15KB) for Iraq over the period 1980 to 1998
These reports are in Adobe Acrobat format. The viewing software is available for free download from Adobe.
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