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Medair Emergency Response Team Summary Report: Rapid Multi-sector Assessment - Gura Gharaiban, Qara Tapat Shebak and Darawesh villages, Bashiqa sub-district, Mosul district, Ninewa Governorate - 03 January 2017


Overview of Assessment Findings

A rapid multi-sectoral assessment including NFI/shelter, Health and WASH was conducted on the 3rd January 2017 to Gura Gharaiban, Tapat Shebak and Darawesh in Bashiqa sub-district. A rapid needs assessment tool was used to conduct this rapid assessment. Information was obtained through direct observation and through key informant interviews. Due to the limited time within each location it was not possible to hold focus groups. General information and security information was collected through a desk assessment prior to the assessment; this information was then verified with the key informants in each location.

Findings and recommendations include the following:

Main findings:

  • Darawesh village currently not hosting any people

  • 169 families living in Gura Gharaiban, Tabat Shebal and surrounding areas (Qara Tapa and Almazarah), of whom 2 families are from the host population, all others are IDPs mainly living in the homes of the original host population

  • Very limited access to health services, no PHCC and only very few people being allowed to access Baybukh clinic, no medical staff or medical drugs available in these villages.

  • Limited access to clean drinking water, soap and hygiene products

  • Lack of blankets, mattresses, heaters and kerosene


  • Provide basic primary health care services (incl. triage, general outpatient consultations for acute conditions, stabilisation and referral, treatment for communicable diseases, reproductive health, EWARN) through a Mobile Medical Unit initially for at least a month with number of days depending on the needs.

  • Further assessment of water and sanitation needs and coordinate with the WASH cluster for a potential response

  • Further follow up needed to identify specific NFI needs in coordination with the Shelter-NFI cluster to identify planned assistance and potential gaps and needs