Amman, Jordan - World Vision today
agreed to support the set up of a refugee camp kitchen as the outbreak
of war prompts a stream of refugees to flee to Jordan from Iraq.
The kitchen will be established at the
third country national camp for non Iraqis at Ar-Ruwayshid close to the
Iraqi border. It is expected to begin operations on Saturday (22 March).
The kitchen will be managed by the Jordan Evangelical Committee for Relief and Development (JECRaD) - an alliance of Jordan churches and NGOs.
World Vision will contribute US$30,000 towards the procurement of kitchen equipment and food. It will also provide the loan of a four-wheel drive DAF truck and driver to JECRaD to transport supplies.
The kitchen will supply three meals per day to refugees. The menu will include high calorie soups, bread and humus.
The UN expects about 60,000 third country nationals to arrive at the camp over the next three weeks. Most will stay only 48 hours before being transported to their home countries.
The bulk of the refugees will be Egyptian and Sudanese but will also likely include Eritreans, Ethiopians and Sri Lankans. It's anticipated most will be male day labourers with limited resources. Some may be forced to make a hazardous journey of hundreds of kilometres to reach the border.
About 300 refugees are expected to be residing in the camp tonight.
World Vision Middle East Relief manager Ton van Zutphen said today after so many months of preparations World Vision was happy to step in with a necessary activity on the day war breaks out.
"This is a preliminary step for World Vision in meeting the needs of thousands who will inevitably be hurt by this conflict," he said.
World Vision will also provide blankets, collapsible water containers and plastic sheeting to refugees fleeing to Jordan and plans similar programmes in refugee camps in Syria and Western Iran.