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Iraq: UN SG letter dated 3 Aug 2005 addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2005/509)


I have the honour to refer to the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), which expires on 12 August 2005, in accordance with Security Council resolution 1557 (2004) of 12 August 2004.

Since the adoption of resolution 1557 (2004), UNAMI has, under the leadership of my Special Representative, Ashraf Jehangir Qazi, made great efforts, as far as the circumstances have permitted, to assist the Iraqi people and Government pursuant to resolution 1546 (2004) of 8 June 2004. In accordance with paragraph 7 (a) of that resolution, UNAMI has endeavoured to play a leading role to help Iraq meet each benchmark of its political transition process, including by: (i) assisting, during the summer of 2004, in the convening of a national conference to select a Consultative Council; (ii) advising and supporting the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, as well as the Interim Government of Iraq and the Transitional National Assembly, with regard to the process of holding elections; and (iii) promoting national dialogue and consensus-building on the drafting of a national constitution by the people of Iraq.

UNAMI has also, in accordance with paragraph 7 (b) of resolution 1546 (2004), endeavoured, from both inside and outside Iraq, to (i) advise the Government of Iraq in the development of effective civil and social services; (ii) contribute to the coordination and delivery of reconstruction, development and humanitarian assistance; (iii) help promote the protection of human rights, national reconciliation and judicial and legal reform in order to strengthen the rule of law; and (iv) advise the Government of Iraq on initial planning for the eventual conduct of a comprehensive census.

Despite severe operational and security constraints, UNAMI has grown in size and expanded its activities beyond Baghdad since it resumed operations in Iraq in August 2004. At present, there are 260 UNAMI civilian and military personnel based in Iraq. These numbers are expected to rise further in 2005 with the operational use of new facilities in Erbil and Basrah, and increased reconstruction, development and humanitarian activities in those areas.

Through UNAMI, the United Nations stands ready to continue to assist the Government and the people of Iraq. UNAMI electoral and constitutional support will remain available beyond the scheduled completion of the proposed transitional timetable outlined in resolution 1546 (2004), if so requested by the Iraqi Government. Similarly, UNAMI is ready to continue to assist in the fields of reconstruction, development and humanitarian assistance as long as may be deemed necessary by the Iraqi Government.

Needless to say, adequate support, resources and expertise will be required for UNAMI to continue to implement its mandated tasks. In this regard, I welcome the spirit of international cooperation, evidenced at the Brussels Conference on Iraq on 22 June 2005, and hope that it will translate into increased support for the efforts of the United Nations inside Iraq. Ultimately, the mandate of UNAMI can be fully implemented only in close cooperation with the Iraqis and with the continued active support of the Security Council and the international community.

In the light of the foregoing, I wish to recommend that the Security Council extend the mandate of UNAMI pursuant to resolution 1546 (2004) for a further period of 12 months, with the intention of reviewing the mandate at the end of that period, or sooner, if so requested by the Government of Iraq.

I should be grateful if you would bring the present letter to the attention of the members of the Security Council.

(Signed) Kofi A. Annan