Key highlights for the sector in camps include:
Ongoing enrolment of children in the new schools in Dohuk meant a further 957 children attended school boosting the total number of children enrolled in basic education and over 300 in secondary in the camps.
Training of 140 teachers has resulted in improved quality of teaching and non-clinical psychosocial support for an estimated 5600 children. Mapping of Syrian cultural recreational activities and possible facilitators in the camps has been ongoing during March and will feed into a more culturally relevant summer school.
UNESCO has support over 400 youth to access catch up literacy classes and life skills including HIV/AIDS awareness and early childhood development in two camps in Erbil.
Engagement within the Parent-Teacher Association
(PTA) is being strengthened and in three camps around 80% of parents are attending meetings. An information plan has been developed to ensure that parents are aware of the PTA, its purpose, role and responsibility and how they can become more involved. It is presumed that this improved information will support greater engagement by parents, therefore strengthening