WASH Coordination and Camp Level Work Plans
Government and partners held 3 coordination meetings in Erbil and Dohuk governorate levels and camp level WASH coordination meetings in Domiz, Kawergosk, and Qushtapa. In other camps (Basirma, Gawilan, Kandala, Akre, and Darashakran) WASH issues are covered in overall camp coordination meetings. In Sulaimanyah, a technical coordination meeting took place between UNICEF, UNHCR, Goverment Institutions and NGOs to asess the progress and plan infrastructures works including WASH in the permanent Arbat camp.
In Erbil governorate, WASH gaps and priorities were identified at camp level and WASH work plans have been developed and shared with partners. The same exercise is planned for the Dohuk governorate in May.
Technical Working Groups
A technical working group for Special Needs has been established with representation from WASH, Shelter and Protection Sectors. The WASH partners are ensuring that latrine, shower and water points are appropriately designed.
In Domiz, specific technical working groups for Water Conservation, Sanitation Improvement are active and are establishing implementable steps to reduce water wastage and to guide the step by step path forward to improve sanitation at the household level.
On April 15, the Hygiene Promotion working group organized camp clean-up day in Domiz. An estimated 100 community mobilizers worked with refugee leaders to educate, motivate and encourage camp residents to improve enivronmental sanitation.
Key WASH Highlights from Camps
Domiz: The Water network has been extended to serve three additional blocks in the camp. Water supply is between 56-74 liter per person per day. Water Quality testing is ongoing .
Arbat Permanent Camp: Water and Sewer networks are completed for 512 households. Both available boreholes will be developed and tested and based on the results pumps will be designed and will be replaced.
Qushtapa, Basirma, Kawergosk: WASH infrastructure works in permanent areas are moving forward, with techinical implementation plans being developed to ensure appropriate sequencing of construction