With 11 million people in need and 3 million displaced, the Iraq war keeps making new victims. Present in the zone for several months already, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL’s team led needs assessments in Mosul’s region and is now opening an emergency mission in response to latest attacks on the city.
More than 163,000 people are already displaced in Mosul’s south corridor, along the Tigris river. Cities like Qayarah, Al Shura or Hamam al-Alil, already strongly weakened by the conflict, have very few capacities to welcome such an influx. “Needs are urgent in the north part of the country because of the fighting between the Iraqi army and ISIS, explains Caroline Bedos, Middle East manager at SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL. Health and water infrastructures have been partly destroyed. Thousands of people have had to flee. They end up in camps or host communities and have to face particularly tough living conditions.”’
Ruined infrastructures
For months, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL has been sending emergency responders to determine the more relevant and effective actions. This is how they met inhabitants like Sheikh Faysal, who showed them a bottle of the water they drink in Al-Shura. “Do you see the color? He asked them. It is yellow. It’s because of gas, sulfur…”
Water and dignity kits for thousands of people
Now operational, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL teams provide an emergency intervention by supplying water and dignity kits (soap, toothbrushes, jerry-cans…) to 8,000 people.
From Hamam al-Alil, logistician Thomas Gruel, is currently organising and planning this response and speaks out about the “alarming” living conditions of hundreds of thousands of people.
A concerning situation in Mosul
In Mosul, more than 700,000 people are trapped and waiting until the end of the combats. The sanitary situation, already worrying in the newly accessible eastern neighbourhoods of the city, heralds an even worse situation in the western part. The destruction of the drinking water system makes access problematic and the majority of the population has been decreasing its daily food intake.
As soon as fighting ends in Mosul, our team will be standing ready to address a situation that is expected to be disastrous.
Help the people in Mosul