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Iraq Master List Report 117, July - August 2020


Change in Methodology: Data for the Master List is collected through Key Informants providing figures at household level. The number of individuals is then estimated by multiplying the number of households by six, the average size of an Iraqi household as per governmental statistics, for all out-of-camp IDPs and returnees. For the first time, in this July-August 2020 round, the number of individuals for in-camp IDPs is calculated by multiplying the number of households by five, which is the average household size consistent with data from the Iraq Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster since 2018. Note that due to this change in calculation methodology to determine the number of IDPs in in-camp settings, population variation relating to the number of IDPs between this round and the previous round will be impacted.


Data collection for Round 117 took place in July and August 2020. As of 31 August 2020, DTM identified 4,744,050 returnees (790,675 households), dispersed across 18 governorates, 38 districts, and 2,070 locations in Iraq. A higher number of new returnees were recorded in Round 117 (25,920) compared with the number recorded in Round 116 (12,948). The most common governorates that individuals returned to between July and August 2020 include Ninewa (where 27,186 individuals were recorded), Salah al-Din (5,712 individuals), and Diyala (1,236 individuals). As with Rounds 115 and 116, this low return rate is unsurprising as the Iraqi Government authorities continue to impose mobility restrictions to curb the spread of the Coronavirus.

During the same period, DTM also identified 1,299,987 IDPs (225,443 households), dispersed across 18 governorates, 104 districts, and 2,974 locations in Iraq. This represents an overall decrease of 81,345 IDP individuals from the previous round, but keeping in mind the methodological change of reduced in-camp IDP household size, the actual decrease is of 28,674 individuals.

Regarding IDPs’ area of origin, consistent with the previous round, 59 per cent of the current caseload of IDPs come from Ninewa Governorate, especially from Mosul (269,077 individuals), Sinjar (227,035 individuals), and Al-Ba’aj (103,295).

The next highest shares of IDPs come from Salah al-Din and Anbar Governorates, which both feature 11 per cent of the country’s total caseload.