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Iraq: IDP Camp Profiling, Camp Directory - Round XVI, June-August 2022




As of September 2022, 1,173,812 people remain internally displaced within Iraq, while the rate of returns continued to decrease: 39,400 registered returns of internally displaced persons (IDPs) between September 2021 and September 2022, compared to 156,400 registered returns between October 2020 and September 2021.1 While 830,000 (71%)
IDPs live in rented houses or apartments as of September 2022, 179,000 (15%) live in formal camps in Iraq, 3,000 less than September 2021.1 Since 2019, the Iraqi government closed and consolidated several camps to encourage returns. By the end of 2020, 27 camps remained across federal Iraq and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). Amriyat al Fallujah camp was re-classified as an informal site in November 20213 , leaving 26 formal camps at the end of 2022.

Until the end of 2022, the Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster (CCCM) facilitated the coordination of assistance to IDPs living in formal camps and informal sites in Iraq. In July 2022, the Humanitarian Country Team announced the discontinuation of all clusters in Iraq. While camp consolidations are ongoing, CCCM responsibilities have been internalised by UNHCR and IOM.4 In light of this transition, the Durable Solutions mechanism, co-chaired by IOM and UNDP is supporting IDPs in integrating into host communities, returning to their areas of origin, or settling elsewhere.


The Iraq CCCM Cluster and REACH conduct annual IDP Camp Profiling assessments to inform evidence-based humanitarian assistance for IDPs living in camps. The information obtained from this assessment will be used to monitor camp conditions and highlight priority needs and service gaps reported by households (HHs) in formal IDP camps across Iraq, as well as multi-sectoral differences across camps.

The XVI. round of Camp Profiling assessments was conducted between 5th of June and 6th of July 2022, 12 months after the previous round of camp profiling. 2,342 HH surveys were collected face to face across all 26 camps.
HHs were sampled randomly at camp-level, and sample size was determined to reach a margin of error of 10% at a level of confidence of 95%. When presented at governorate level, results have been weighted considering the different population sizes of camps. In addition, key informant (KI) interviews were conducted with camp managers to gain additional insights. More information on the methodology is available in the Assessment Terms of Reference.