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Iraq + 1 more

Iraq Humanitarian Response Plan 2022 - Executive Summary [EN/AR/KU]


Response by Strategic Objective

People targeted for humanitarian response

To ensure a tightly focused humanitarian response, the humanitarian community has prioritized lifesaving and life-sustaining interventions for IDPs and returnees who have the most acute humanitarian needs, reaching extreme and catastrophic levels; have multiple needs and face specific barriers to meeting those needs; live in critical shelter; lack civil documentation; engage in emergency-level negative coping mechanisms; face acute protection risks; and are unable to meet their basic needs or access essential emergency services, causing life-threatening conditions. Based on the tighter humanitarian needs analysis and the agreed targeting criteria, the 2022 Iraq HRP will prioritize life-saving and life-sustaining humanitarian assistance for 991,000 Iraqi IDPs and returnees, including all IDPs in camps and the most acutely vulnerable out-of-camp IDPs and returnees.

Humanitarian Response Priorities

Addressing the continuing humanitarian consequences of the 2014-2017 crisis and related displacement is the central priority for humanitarian action in Iraq in 2022.
This will be achieved through three Strategic Objectives: first, the most acutely vulnerable displaced and returnee families will be supported to live in safety and dignity, particularly those households living in unsafe and undignified living conditions, particularly in critical emergency shelter, who lack civil documentation, are exposed to rights violations and to the presence of explosive ordnance, and are at risk of physical and mental harm related to the impact of the ISIL crisis.
Secondly, the humanitarian partners will support access to essential services to the most vulnerable IDPs and returnees who face specific barriers to accessing life-saving and life-sustaining health-care, education, water and sanitation services, or where these have not yet been rehabilitated. Thirdly, the most acutely vulnerable displaced and returnee households will be provided with food, livelihoods support and temporary income sources that will enable them to meet their basic needs for survival and reduce their reliance on harmful negative coping mechanisms.

Contributions to Durable Solutions

Under the overall leadership of the triple-hatted UN leadership structure, embodied by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General/Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator (DSRSG/RC/ HC), durable solutions will be pursued in support of and in close coordination with the GoI. To this end, a durable solutions architecture has been established in country to facilitate joint analysis and response planning across the humanitarian-development-peace nexus with the aim of solving Iraq’s displacement crisis.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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