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Iraq: Humanitarian Dashboard (May - August 2016)



The humanitarian situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate. Ongoing military operations are forcing people into displacement at great personal risk with over 400,000 people newly displaced this year, including 85,000 from Fallujah in May and June and over 120,000 people currently displaced along the Mosul corridor. Critical needs continue to grow across all sectors. To date, the US$861 million Humanitarian Response Plan has received 54 per cent of the funding. The impact of this underfunding has been significant. Of the 226 projects in the Humanitarian Response Plan, over half have closed or could not start due to insufficient funding. An additional 67 programmes will close within the next three months, if no additional funding arrives. A boost in funding is urgently required to restart core activities forced to shut, to activate those that need to start and to prevent further closures of front-line programmes.

Despite a difficult and volatile operating environment, humanitarian organizations have reached about 3.2 million people with some form of humanitarian assistance across Iraq. Health partners have been able to support over 3 million people this year and in addition vaccinated over 10 million children against polio. Food Security partners have provided help to more than 1 million people with food assistance and cash-based transfers. Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) partners have ensured more than 900,000 people in at-risk communities have received safe, sustained, equitable access to a sufficient quantity of water through water trucking, maintenance of water and sanitation systems and facilities, solid waste collection, distribution of hygiene and dignity kits and other WASH services.

Camp coordination and camp management partners have provided support to over 850,000 people by providing specialised assistance to people in camps and highly vulnerable temporary settlements. Over 700,000 people have received kits with household or shelter items, or have benefitted from replenishment and upgrades to their current dwellings through work carried out by shelter and non-food-items partners. Education partners have reached more than 550,000 people with some form of emergency education assistance this year, including in hot spot locations, and 140,000 people have been reached by protection partners through community-level and household assessments, awareness-raising sessions, and referral for cash assistance. Underpinning efforts by humanitarian organizations, the Logistics Cluster works to handle and store humanitarian commodities in Erbil and Baghdad to ensure coordination and to organize the dispatch of supplies to recipient agencies. Telecommunications partners also work to support and address needs in telecommunications among humanitarian stakeholders.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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