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Iraq: Humanitarian Dashboard (January to October 2019) [EN/AR/KU]



Since the beginning of 2019, 105 humanitarian partners have reached 1 million people with humanitarian assistance in 1,258 locations. This represents 57 per cent of people targeted for assistance in the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). Due to adjustments in cluster reporting methodologies, the number of people reached appears lower than in the September dashboard.

In October seven IDP camps were consolidated and/or closed (six in Ninewa, one in Salah Al-Din). At the same time, the camp population decreased by approximately 5,700 households. Since August, more than 10,000 households have departed camps and are known to have arrived in non-camp IDP settings, thereby reducing the camp population by nine per cent and increasing the out-of-camp population significantly, although out-of-camp IDP and returns locations continue to be underserved.

Notably, child protection partners have reached 97 per cent of the out-of-camp IDP population targeted for assistance. GBV partners reached 36,520 more people, with 99 per cent of camp-based IDPs and 77 per cent of host community targets reached. Protection, mine action, and housing, land and property partners reached 28 per cent more people in October, increasing significantly in Duhok and Ninewa. This represents 99 per cent of people targeted for general protection assistance in 2019, including 76 per cent of returnees targeted for assistance, and 43 per cent more IDPs in out-of-camp locations than September.

Approaching the end of the 2019 HRP, multi-purpose cash assistance has reached 23 per cent of people targeted. Shelter and non-food items assistance reached an additional 47,535 people in October.

At the end of October, the HRP was 86.5 per cent funded, with US$606.7 million received. An additional $219.1 million has been contributed for other humanitarian activities in Iraq outside the HRP.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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