GOAL representatives in Jordan and Kuwait
are on standby to respond to the humanitarian needs of people who are likely
to be displaced by the ongoing war in Iraq.
GOAL will co-ordinate with other aid
agencies to provide assistance to families who flee from the cities in
southern Iraq.
"It's a matter of preparing as much as we can at the moment," said GOAL's Emergency Coordinator Ray Jordan in Kuwait.
"Hopefully this will be a short war, and casualties will be few, but we do not know what is going to happen. Millions of people in Iraq are already dependent on food aid, and that supply line is now in serious danger of being cut".
"To date, international donors have been very slow to support the work of organisations such as GOAL. We are appealing to international donors to pledge their support to the aid effort so we can get enough supplies into the country as soon as it is safe to do so"