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Iraq: Earthquake Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) DREF n°: MDRIQ009


A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

On 12 November, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake hit the northern border region between Iran and Iraq.

• The earthquake hit at 21:18 local time (18:18 GMT) about 30 miles (19 km) southwest of Halabja, near the northeastern border with Iran.

• The earthquake occurred at a relatively shallow depth of 33.9 km (21.06 miles), and tremors were felt in Turkey, Israel, Kuwait, and the Gulf.

• Multiple aftershocks occurred in the days after the main earthquake, including a 4.2 magnitude tremor at the Iran-Iraq border at 15:15 UTC on 22 November.

• The most affected areas are the Sulaymaniyah governorate, notably Darbandikhan District. Major cities affected include Darbandikhan, Halabja, Khanaqin, Kalar, Sulaymaniyah and Erbil

• Reported number of people affected and assisted:
• 10 people dead
• 469 injured
• 3,025 people directly affected
• 2,475 people indirectly affected
• 5,500 people assisted

Summary of the current response

Overview of Host National Society

a) The IRCS has reached 3,025 direct beneficiaries and 2.475 indirect beneficiaries. Indirect beneficiaries are people indirectly affected in the neighboring communities, either by having to host or otherwise support direct beneficiaries. Indirect beneficiaries were supported with food and hygiene kits.

b) Iraq worked around the clock in the affected areas to provide urgent search and rescue, first aid, psychosocial support and relief items The IRCS Emergency Response Team was the first humanitarian organization providing immediate response after the earthquake through their relief and health teams. The response was fully coordinate with the local public authorities and communities. The IRCS also supported the evacuation of the patients from the damaged Sulaymaniyah hospital and students from the dormitories in Halabja.

c) An emergency committee was immediate established by IRCS to evaluate the situation and the damages. The committee conducted initial field visits to affected areas in Kalar, Darbandikhan, and Halabja

d) 60 first aid kits distributed by IRCS to Sulaymaniyah Hospital Emergency Department.

e) IRCS teams supported affected people by providing first aid and transportation of injured to hospital in Sulaymaniyah.

f) The IRCS has provided the hospitals in Darbandikhan and Halabja with dressing and disinfection materials.

g) The IRCS transported 256 injured/patients to hospitals in nearby areas due to damages and partly collapse of local hospitals. h) The distribution of relief items includes:
• 565 tents, including 7 tents to Darbandikhan General hospital and 42 tents to the Halabja University. 2825
• Installation of a rub hall in Halabja Obstetric Hospital
• 5.100 hot meals
• 1.260 blankets
• 1.100 food baskets
• 1.100 hygiene sets
• 160 First Aid kits
• 100 mattresses
• 100 tarpaulins,
• 100 lanterns,
• 100 water kettles,
• 150 kerosene heaters,
• 100 30 kg’s rice bags,
• 100 thermoses,
• 100 kitchen sets,
• 200 jerry cans,
• 200 hand towels
• 100 Volunteer fees

Hot meals were provided as an immediate measure whereas food parcels were provided to sustain families for one month.

Overview of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in country

IRCS Headquarters maintains daily communication with the IFRC Iraq Country Office in Baghdad and weekly coordination meetings with Movement partners in country are taking place to discuss and plan activities that will improve the collective capacity and impact. Movement partners in country have been informed of this DREF and there is no duplication of support. Turkish Red Crescent provided essential supplies. Other Movement partners actively involved in the operation include Kuwait Red Crescent, Qatar Red Crescent and ICRC.

In addition, the IRCS and IFRC continue to closely coordinate with the Iraqi Government and other humanitarian organizations to continue an efficient and effective response to the needs.