245,000 Syrian Refugees expected by end-2018
250,184 Syrians registered
USD 51 million (23% of total) required for Protection
24% received
Border Monitoring
A total of 1,433 Syrians (1,170 registered) returned to Syria through PK- BCP. A total of 115 Syrians were reported to have legally crossed IK-BCP into Turkey. This represents a decrease of 18 per cent compared to August 2018.
In September, 2,532 Syrian individuals were registered in proGres, of which 1,721 were new arrivals, 666 were new-borns and 104 in situ individuals which is an increase of approximately 21.5 per cent in comparison to the 2,084 new individuals registered in August.
Protection Counselling and Legal Assistance
A total of 798 refugees in urban and camp locations were provided with legal counselling and assistance. Lawyers facilitated the issuance of 147 civil documents and UNHCR’s partner, QANDIL, conducted 356 household visits using the Protection Monitoring Tool (PMT) for refugees in Erbil urban locations, reaching 1,361 individuals.
Sixty referrals for various needs were made through the PMT, and 715 (544 Syrian and 171 non-Syrian) refugees living in urban locations approached Protection staff at Protection Assistance Registration Center (PARC).
Community Based Protection (CBP)
Protection actors increased the use of the community centres to promote interaction with host communities. Twenty-three activities engaging people with disabilities were organised and 265 women had access to empowerment opportunities. KRI Community Outreach Volunteers (COV) mapping was also consolidated. Currently, 363 operative COVs are in KRI, of whom 55 per cent are women. Based on the current refugee population, the ratio of COV participation is 1:800.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
Eighty SGBV survivors received case management services, including 7 new cases. CDO and UNHCR conducted two trainings on SGBV prevention and response for a total of 72 refugees, as well as 11 awareness raising sessions for 95 female refugees on the topics of stress management, gender roles and child marriage.
Furthermore, UNHCR conducted two trainings on protection and SGBV for 50 Peshmerga officers in Sulaymaniyah and Chamchamal. DCVAW in Erbil provided case management for 163 GBV cases, among them 17 refugees, 29 IDPs and 3 members of host communities. In addition, 238 people comprised of 51 IDPs, 147 refugees and 40 members of host communities attended DCVAW’s awareness raising sessions.
Child Protection (CP)
Refugee referral pathway was finalized and shared with CP partners. The CP Case Management Working Group selected five partners to pilot the new Child Protection Information Management System – CPIMS+ (Primero).
DOLSA focused on awareness raising on: children’s rights and violence against children prevention, utilization of the adolescent girls’ kit to address child marriage, promotion of life skills, and parenting sessions on developmental and protection needs of adolescent girls and boys. UNICEF entered a new partnership with Public Attorney's Office (PAO) to provide CP services in Bahirka and Hassan Sham camps, as well as in non-camp areas in Hamdaniya and Erbil.