56,930 Syrian refugees and members of impacted host communities were assisted by the food sector in camps and non-camps as following:
• In camps: 56,371 Syrian refugees received food assistance through food vouchers in eight camps (Domiz 1 and Domiz 2, Arbat, Basirma, Darashakran, Gawilan, Kawergosk and Qushtapa) and unrestricted cash distributions at Akre camp (chart below).
• In non-camps: 1,200 Syrian refugees and impacted members of the host community were supported on food-related livelihoods assistance in Erbil, Duhok and Akre districts.
In camps: A total of 56,371 Syrian refugees received assistance from WFP in September 2017 under the regional Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO).
All beneficiaries of monthly assistance received IQD 22,000 (USD 19) per beneficiary, per month. Those enrolled in WFP’s pilot Tech for Food programme received USD 10 per participant, per day over the 35 days of the project. WFP is working with UNHCR to finalise the livelihoods component of the Joint Vulnerability assessment of Syrian refugees in Iraq.
Food Security Outcome Monitoring for the third quarter of 2017 was completed at the end of September as planned. A total of 170 beneficiaries and 170 non-beneficiaries were monitored in Erbil,
Dohuk and Sulaymaniyah. The primary findings will be shared at the end of October.
FAO, in collaboration with Directorates of Agriculture, completed several training courses on dairy production and fruit processing/drying in the agriculture directorates of Erbil and Duhok. Beneficiaries also received necessary tools and equipment related to the production of dairy products and fruit-drying technique. Furthermore, 20 green houses were set in Qushtapa and Domiz 1 camps where refugees are receiving on-going training on micro-gardening.