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Iraq + 1 more

Iraq: 3RP Monthly Update - February 2015: Education



Overall there are 78,141 refugee children between the ages of 3 – 17 years, of these 57,116 are school age between 6 -17. Currently, 29,599 students are enrolled in formal education (grades 1 – 12), 14,913 in camp settings and 14,646 in non-camp settings. 5,990 students are benefitting from non-formal education activities including alternative education, catch-up classes and recreational activities. An additional 1,733 children between ages of 3 to 5 are attending Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) activities.
Teachers in Kawergosk, Darashakran, Basirma and Qushtapa Refugee Camp Schools are receiving on-going training on the fundamentals of good teaching practice, psychosocial support, and positive discipline. The training which started in November 2014 is conducted for 2 hours every two weeks and will continue until May. A 5 day training course on psychosocial support was held for 39 teachers from 8 Arabic schools for refugee children in Duhok. In addition 156 teachers were trained in healing classroom methodology as the second phase of on-going training for schools both in and out of camps Catch-Up Classes for 1,997 (1,112 boys and 885 girls ) students from the new Kobane caseload are ongoing in 4 camps in Erbil; Kawergosk (227), Darashakran (1,394), Qushtapa (112) and Basirma (264) camps. These classes are allowing students who missed school due to displacement to re-engage in the formal education system.