94,380 Syrian refugees in 10 camps benefit from access to water, sanitation and hygiene services, with 86,195 benefiting from more durable, resilient water supply services
Cholera cases continued to decline as the outbreak phased out. Partners, supported awareness raising for round two of the Oral Cholera Vaccination (OCV) campaign in selected camps and reinforcing preparedness for future outbreaks, including development of Cholera Treatment Units (CTUs).
Rregular provision of water and sanitation services and hygiene promotion continued, with additional gains in transitioning to permanent water supply, reducing water trucking and achieving near household level sanitation for all Refugee families.
Duhok: In Domiz 1, water trucking continued for 6,200 people still insufficiently supplied through the network. Garbage collection, disposal and operation and maintenance (O&M) of sanitation facilities continued. A camp wide assessment of toiles gave 4,392 private family units and 118 units shared by 2 -5 families, bringing the number of people per toilet to 5.5. In Domiz 2, all toilets are family toilets. Construction of 8 new holding tanks and drainage channels, and disconnection of grey from black water was undertaken. 11,645 people received top up vouchers for hygiene items, with related post distribution monitoring. 14,500 people were reached with messages on cholera and diarrhoea prevention, safe water handling and good hygiene. In Akre and Gawilan, supply of at least 50l/p/d of chlorinated water, garbage collection and disposal and O&M of sanitation facilities continued. With construction of additional toilets and showers, the number of people per toilet reduced from 8 to 6.5 in Akre. In Gawilan construction of the CTU was completed, including a separate sewage holding tank. Latrine cleaning tools were provided and hygiene education undertaken in 13 schools in Domiz 1 and 2, Gawilan and Akre.