The Iraqi Red Crescent Society is an independent, volunteer-based organization that works to alleviate the suffering of Iraq’s most vulnerable communities. The Iraqi Red Crescent Society was established in 1932 and admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1934. As the largest humanitarian organization in Iraq, its knowledge of the country and the political landscape is vast. Its presence and local networks across the country are exceptionally well established, allowing the National Society to reach vulnerable populations who are not served by other humanitarian actors, including in remote areas. This nationwide coverage means the National Society can implement large-scale and long-term preparedness and response programmes, through 18 governorate branches and a national network of 11,900 volunteers who play a critical role at every stage of programming.
The Iraqi Red Crescent Society derives its mandate as an auxiliary to the public authorities’ humanitarian efforts through the Iraqi Civil Code. The National Society functions as an autonomous, non-political, non-partisan organization, maintaining its independence. The country’s authorities recognize the National Society as a first responder with responsibility for relief and health services in the first 72 hours after an emergency, and the National Society also heads the medical emergency response cell within displacement camps. The National Society closely coordinates its actions with the public authorities and humanitarian organizations active in Iraq.
The main programmes run by the National Society include disaster management, first aid, preventive and curative health, water, sanitation and hygiene dissemination of international humanitarian law, youth activities, restoring family links, and awareness programmes for the explosive remnants of war.
In 2022, the National Society reached more than 6.5 million people through its various long-term services and development programmes, and 409,000 people were reached by its disaster response and early recovery programmes.
The Iraqi Red Crescent current Strategic Plan identifies four key objectives, alongside priorities related to its institutional development:
- Upgrade and maintain diverse programmes, with a focus on recovery
- Build a better surveying and data analysis system
- Upscale the engagement with local communities and authorities
- Improve cooperation with local and international humanitarian actors