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International migration from climate-affected areas in Iraq: Exploring the influence of climate change on mobility patterns (June 2024)


This study explores the influence of climate change and environmental degradation on international migration patterns from Iraq. In particular, the assessment identifies climate-affected subdistricts of origin for potential emigrants and analyses key migration trends among this group, such as demographic characteristics, reasons for leaving, intended destination and travel arrangements. In doing so, the report highlights priority geographic areas for further assessment and climate-related programming. The potential interaction between climate change and other drivers of migration is also considered. Moreover, the analysis sheds light on the profile and intention of those in movement. Furthermore, mediating factors, such as financial means and social networks, are examined to understand how aspiring migrants are able to undertake these journeys. Lastly, risk factors for exploitation and abuse are highlighted to inform relevant programming such as protection services, awareness raising campaigns and broader policy reform.