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IDPs in Formal Camps Intentions Survey (August 2019)



Throughout 2019 the rate of return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their areas of origin (AoO) gradually declined.1 As of July 2019, 1.6 million Iraqis were reported to remain in displacement. This includes approximately 81,000 households that reside in 93 formal IDP camps.2 In Al-Anbar governorate, approximately 2,626 IDP households are estimated to be living in formal IDP camps.

Slowing return trends highlight the need for continued information collection on intentions to return, as well as for continued monitoring and an improved understanding of barriers to return and requisite conditions for voluntary returns and other durable solutions.3 To address this ongoing need, REACH, in partnership with the Iraq CCCM Cluster, conducted a fifth round of the in-camp intentions survey in formal camps containing 100 or more IDP households, from 18 June to 1 August.